maandag 26 maart 2012


I visited the Gokoku-ji 護国寺 (“Temple for the Protection of the Country”) which enshrines Nyoirin Kannon (“Wish-granting Kannon with the wheel”) 1. The temple’s denomination is Shingon-shū Buzan-ha (真言宗豊山派) so colourful flags can be found here and there on the temple grounds.


An incense burner and a singing bowl in front of some statues. 
On the left, Gyoran kannon魚籃観音 (“Kannon with fish basket”)

Apart from Kannon statues, there are numerous Jizō-bosatsu 地蔵菩薩 statues like the one enshrined below.
 A singing bowl, some flowers, an incense burner and some five minute candles for offerings inside the shrine shown above.

… and one rather sizable Amida-Nyorai 阿弥陀如来.

The main hall in which Nyoirin Kannon is enshrined.

The inside of the main hall as seen through the front window. The altar fittings look unmistakably Buddhist, but in the centre one can see what appears to be a divine mirror (神鏡 shinkyō) which is generally an item found on shintō altars. However, Nyoirin Kannon is often associated with mirrors and according to Iyanagi (2001; p5) she/he is even considered to be the Buddhist counterpart or true form ( honji) of Amaterasu-ōmikami 天照大御神.

A shintō torii 鳥居 in front of a graveyard behind Gokoku-ji.

Information about the upcoming Hana matsuri 花祭り at Gokoku-ji.

Fukiage Inari-jinja 吹上稲荷神社, located on a quiet place not very far from Gokoku-ji, enshrines Ukemochi no Ōkami 保食之大神.

Temizuya 手水舎

A small kamidana inside a shop as seen from the pavement.


1 Nyoirin Kannon holds a nyoi hōju 如意宝珠 (wish-granting jewl) and a Rin 輪宝(Skt: cakraratna चक्ररत्न, treasure wheel)


  • Iyanaga, Nobumi (彌永信美) .『如意輪観音と女性性』(Nyoirin Kannon to joseisei). Tokio: Tōkyō Daigaku  (Bungakubu : Indo testugaku bukkyōgaku kenkyū). 2001.
  • Tanaka, Yoshiyasu (田中義恭).『面白いほどよくわかる仏像の世界: 仏像の種類・歴史から鑑賞のポイントまで』(Omoshiroi hodo yoku wakaru butsuzō no sekai: butsuzō no shurui, rekishi kara kanshō made). Tokio: Nihon bungeisha (日本文芸社), 2008. P146. 

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