donderdag 19 juli 2012

Segakie in Gokoku-ji

On the 18th of May, I attended the Sekigae 施餓鬼会 of the Gokoku-ji 護国寺. The Sekigae  is held for the gaki 餓鬼, the hungry spirits who dwell at the bottom of reincarnation cycle. Nowadays the ceremony also involves remembering deceased family members.
At Gokoku-ji an altar was constructed right outside the main temple with sticks made out of wood bearing inscriptions in the siddhaṃ alphabet, as this temple is affiliated with the Shingon sect, and a big tent was set up to offer shade to the predominantly elderly visitors. When I arrived at the scene, a devotee was speaking to the audience, telling some comical anecdotes that usually had a conclusion with a message inspired by Buddhist teachings. A television screen was provided to show the people who were sitting outside what was going on inside. Afterwards, the enormous temple bell was struck several times as the priests and monks slowly approached the temple. They started off by honouring the temple’s main idol, Nyoirin Kannon 如意輪観音. This statue, which is usually hidden (秘仏 hibutsu) was briefly revealed (開帳 kaichō) at this point. Next, the hungry spirits were honoured by chanting and the Heart Sutra (般若心経 Hannyashin-gyō) was recited. Later on, people got in line to throw an offering of incense in a vessel with burning charcoal that was placed near the altar. At the same time, someone recited what appeared to be the names of deceased people (perhaps relatives of the visitors?).

The tent

The monks approaching

The altar

Devotees waiting their turn to offer some incense  

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