donderdag 18 oktober 2012

Ryōzen Kannon

On August 20th, I visited Ryōzen Kannon 霊山観音 in Kyōto. This enormous statue that measures 24m was erected after World War II to commemorate the people who died in battle.

A miniature version of the statue inside where one can make offerings of money and incense.

 Note the Shinto style rope (shimenawa 注連縄)

 Three ihai 位牌 (spirit tablets) for
水子の靈 the spirits of children who were aborted, born dead or died soon after birth.
殉国英靈the spirits of the people who died for their country
三界萬靈 the spirits of the three worlds

Statue of a Buddha, presumably the historical Buddha Shaka-nyorai 釈迦如来.

A sculpture of a snake near an altar for Benzai-ten 弁財天, who is often associated with Uga-jin 宇賀神 (often depicted as a snake with a human head).

The objects used for religious worship look very esoteric, but I could not confirm any association with Shingon Buddhism or Tendai Buddhism.

A hidden Benzai-ten statue to the right of the main idol.

The eleven-headed Kannon 十一面観音 is this temple’s honzon (本尊, “main idol”).

A statue of Jizō-bosatsu 地蔵菩薩 to the left of the main idol.

A notice that informs visitors about the monthly Dai-goma kuyō 大護摩供養 (burning of cedar sticks that have wishes written on them, often asking for protection in traffic, study or work).

A statue of the historical Buddha as he dies and enters Nirvāṇa (Skt: निर्वाण).

In the restroom I found an image of Ususama-myōō 烏枢沙摩明王, the guardian of bathrooms, right above the mirror.

A box where visitors can deposit old lucky charms etc.

Mizuko Jizō

Upstairs I found a number of beautiful statues, somewhat hidden in the dark. There was a piece of wood next to each one of them, indicating the Shingon 真言 (“True word”: incantation; mantra) of the deity.

Sen-ju Kannon 千手観音, “The thousand-armed Kannon”

Kokū-bosatsu 虚空菩薩

Yakushi-nyorai 薬師如来

A box containing a statue of Shō Kannon-bosatsu 聖観音菩薩

Monju-bosatsu 文殊菩薩

Seishi-bosatsu 勢至菩薩

Dainichi-nyorai 大日如来

Fudō-myōō 不動明王

Amida-nyorai 阿弥陀如来

Daikoku-ten 大黒天

Two more Kannon statues in another building

The inside of a building where ihai are kept.

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